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Master Luthier
For Guitars
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PreußGuitars - German Version
PreußGuitars - German Version
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Welcome to PreußGuitars
Preussguitars stands for absolute premium quality instruments. My longtime experience as a musician and plucked instrument builder allows me creating instruments with an excellent tone and outstanding playing characteristics. On top of that a superb inlay artwork is implemented. Only high quality and classy materials such as matured wood(s), bone, nacre, stainless steel, alpaca, brass etc. are used. Each Preuss instrument has its own process of development and I am always in close contact with the customer. I work on every instrument personally in precise handcraft which always leads to a single, unique and distinctive masterpiece.
I offer the design for a new instrument or any sort of repair / restoration of your (old) personal instrument. In this field I have a treasure trove of experience and even non-standard design ideas are welcome.
I am looking forward to discussing special requests on your instrument with you.
New bass model LITTLE JOHN

The new bass model LITTLE JOHN is a five-string acoustic bass. It has two sound holes to the left and right of the fingerboard and one in the frame.

World-class musical instruments

The region around the small saxonian town Markneukirchen is one of the most important locations for musical instrument making in Europe and an intangible UNESCO World Heritage Site. For about 350 years, instruments are manufactured here.

Upcoming Guitar Shows 2025

04.04. – 06.04.2025
Akustika Nürnberg (at Migma e.G. booth)

10.05. – 11.05.2025
Guitar Show Bologna

03.07. – 06.07.2025
Rudolstadt Festival

26.09. – 28.09.2025
GuitarSummit Mannheim

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European Guitar Builders
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European Guitar Builders
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